Read about all the extra features we provide that you may not be aware of. Use the tabs and filters below to select a topic and learn more.
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Convert ADRs into ordinary shares.
Participate in corporate actions.
A risk-based margin model.
Quickly allocate U.S. stock and option orders post-trade.
Manage your customer relationship life cycle in one place at no extra cost.
Built on 38 years of providing innovative technology solutions to our clients.
Offset the costs of purchasing approved research products and services.
For Institutions who want to trade through IBKR but are prohibited from depositing margin collateral directly with a broker/dealer.
Earn extra income on the fully-paid shares of stock held in your account.
Buy replacement shares to use against an option assignment to preclude both capital gains and a higher tax liability.
Gives institutional customers the flexibility to execute and/or clear trades on our platform or with numerous third-party brokers.
Access a variety of useful tools and information for your tax reporting needs.
Link multiple accounts together under a single username and password.
Manage your gains and losses for tax purposes.